
At Ham Dingle, we believe that being a confident, able mathematician is essential in ensuring that our pupils are given the best life chances possible. We understand that maths is vital for making sense of the world around us by seeing patterns and making connections. Our goal is that our pupils develop a curiosity about maths, which is seen, most importantly, as a matrix of skills and knowledge. In maths, we teach to mastery. This ensures that no child is left behind. If a concept is not understood, we reteach it but in a different way. 

At Ham Dingle, we have adopted the White Rose Maths 3.0 curriculum, that provides opportunities:  

  • To foster positive attitudes, fascination and excitement of discovery through the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts.
  • To develop a ‘can do’ attitude in our children, especially when problem solving and pattern sniffing.
  • To broaden children’s knowledge and understanding of how mathematics is used in the wider world by making rich and varied real life connections.
  • To enable our pupils to confidently reason about their mathematics, using a suitable range of mathematical language, recognising its importance for communication and deep thinking.
  • To use a wide range of models, visual manipulatives and practical resources to develop a deep conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency.

Through our maths vision, we are passionate and fully committed to developing a balance between the children’s procedural fluency and a conceptual understanding.

Our Maths teaching is underpinned by the mastery approach. This allows children to deepen their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and enables them to confidently 'talk maths'.  Our maths leader works closely with our local maths hub and the school is currently participating in the third year of Embedding Mastery in Maths programme run through the Maths Hub. 


  • Numbots


    In Years 1 and 2, our children have access to NumBots, which is an online resource which allows our children to practise their fluency with addition and subtraction facts.

    Read the following for more information about how the website works. There are two modes – Story Mode for Understanding and Challenge Mode for Recall.

    Mode 1: Story Mode for Understanding

    In Story Mode, the emphasis is on mathematical concepts and is underpinned by a mastery approach to teaching. Story Mode features visual representations, procedural variation, exposure to different calculation strategies and interleaved material all in very carefully sequenced order.

    Unlocking Levels

    Story Mode is set out as a series of Stages (Rust, Tin, Iron, etc) containing levels, a bit like Angry Birds. Rust is the first Stage and level 1 is unlocked, so this is the place for everyone to start. To unlock the next level, players need to earn two stars by showing sufficient proficiency. The levels in Story Mode follow a natural mathematical progression and move the pupil through the game automatically.

    Get In The Habit

    Aim for the children to play in Story Mode for three minutes four to five times a week, to get the best out of NumBots. Little and often is key (spaced practice is more effective than blocked practice).

    Mode 2: Challenge Mode for Recall

    In Challenge Mode, the emphasis is on rapid responses to essential facts and simple sums, against the clock.

    Unlocking Challenges

    Challenge Mode is locked for new users and is unlocked once players reach a certain level on Story Mode. It’s currently set to unlock part way through Tin stage. There are 20 Challenge levels and only the first is unlocked to begin with. To unlock the next Challenge, players must correctly answer 12 questions in a minute.

    Key Skills

    Each Challenge focuses on a different key skill:

    Key Skill:


    1. Adding and subtracting 1 or 2 within 10

    1 + 3, 8 – 2

    2. Number bonds to 5

    3 + ? = 5

    3. Doubles within 10 (i.e. up to 5+5)

    4 + 4

    4. Adding and subtracting 1 and 2 within 20

    17 + 2, 11 – 1

    5. Number bonds to 10

    3 + ? = 10

    6. Adding and subtracting 10 within 20

    3 + 10, 16 – 10

    7. Doubles within 20 (i.e. up to 10+10)

    8 + 8

    8. Adding two 1-digit numbers

    5 + 7

    9. Number Bonds to 20

    8 + ? = 20

    10. Subtracting 1-digit numbers within 20

    14 – 6

    11. Adding and subtracting 1, 2 and 10 within 100

    1 + 74, 51 – 2, 38 + 10

    12. Adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers to/from multiples of 10

    20 + 64, 83 – 20

    13. Addition by bridging a multiple of 10

    25 + 6, 47 + 5

    14. Subtraction by bridging a multiple of 10

    25 – 6, 42 – 5

    15. Number bonds to 100

    52 + ? = 100

    16. Using compensation to add and subtract within 100

    35 + 19, 35 – 19

    17. Adding by partitioning two 2-digit numbers

    64 + 25, 10 + 64

    18. Subtracting by partitioning two 2-digit numbers

    64 – 23, 47 – 31

    19. Adding any two 2-digit numbers

    63 + 56, 63 + 58

    20. Subtracting any two 2-digit numbers

    76 – 43, 76 – 47

    Information from:

    Welcome to NumBots! Rusty's Scrapheap

    Meet Rusty and his friends in this introduction to NumBots Story Mode.


  • Times Table Rock Stars


    What is Times Table Rock Stars?

    To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! In either paper form or online. Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Teachers set times tables that each child is learning. These are practised within the classroom, as well as at home.

    Why are times tables important?

    When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations.  Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations.

    Monthly Battle of the Bands

    Every month, the children participate in a 'battle' against their year group classes. This is an opportunity for the children to consolidate the times tables that they have learnt and to get quicker at recalling all times table facts. The children enjoy the competition against their year group.

    TT Rockstar Game Types

    Single Player

    Garage - the questions will only come from the times tables the teacher has set for the week. It will include multiplication and division questions.

    As pupils start to answer questions, TT Rock Stars works out which facts they take longer on and will give them more of these questions to answer. The Garage is best for getting quicker at a few facts. Players get 10 coins per question.

    Studio - the questions in the Studio can be anything from 1×1 up to 12×12.

    TT Rock Stars calculates the mean response time from their last 10 games in the Studio and translates that time into a Rock Status.

    ≤ 1 sec/qu = Rock Hero

    ≤ 7 secs/qu = Unsigned Act

    ≤ 2 secs/qu = Rock Legend

    ≤ 8 secs/qu = Gigger

    ≤ 3 secs/qu = Rock Star

    ≤ 9 secs/qu = Busker

    ≤ 4 secs = Headliner

    ≤ 10 secs/qu = Garage Rocker

    ≤ 5 secs/qu = Support Act

    > 10 secs/qu = Wannabe

    ≤ 6 secs/qu = Breakthrough Artist


    If you don’t play in the Studio, you don’t get a Rock Status.

    Players earn 1 coin per question and the Studio is the place for them to set their best time across all the tables.

    Soundcheck – When you play Soundcheck, you get 20 questions each with a 5-second time limit. The questions are multiplication only and evenly weighted in terms of difficulty each time you play. Players earn 5 coins per correct answer.


    Rock Arena - The Arena allows players to compete against all other members of their Band (their Bandmates would need to join the same game in order to compete together).
    A new Arena game starts every 15 seconds and once the clock starts they race to answer more questions than the others. In the Arena, questions will only come from the times tables the teacher has set for the week, similar to the Garage.  They earn 1 coin per correct answer.

    Times Table Rockstars Day 






  • Times Table Support for Parents

    Top Times Tables Tips

    It may seem a daunting task to learn so many multiplication facts, but because of the commutative property of multiplication, there are fewer facts than you may think. For example, 3 x 4 and 4 x 3 give the same answer so you need to only learn this once.

    Zero Times Table

    Anything multiplied by zero will always equal zero. Multiplication is repeated addition so 3 x 0 is 0 + 0 + 0, which equals 0.

    One Times Table

    Any number multiplied by one is itself.

    Two Times Table

    Any number multiplied by two is double the number. 7 x 2 =14 7 + 7 = 14 double 7 is 14.

    Three Times Table

    Digits within this times table add up to multiples of 3. For example: 3, 6, 9, 12 (1+2=3), 15 (1+5=6), 18 (1+8=9) 21 (2+1=3), 24 (2+4=6) etc. The numbers also follow the pattern of: odd, even, odd, even (3,6,9,12).

    Four Times Table

    The four times table is double the two times table. 4 x 2 = 8, 4 x 4 = 16, 16 is double 8. Alternatively the fours can be thought of as double double. So double 3 (6) and double again (12) is the same as 3 x 4 = 12.

    Five Times Table

    All multiples of 5 end in five or zero. For even numbers (e.g. 8 x 5) you can halve the number (4) and then put a zero after it (40). For odd numbers (e.g. 7 x 5) you can subtract one from the number (6), halve it (3) and then put a 5 after it (35). Any odd number times 5 ends in a 5. Any even number times 5 ends in 0.

    Six Times Table

    The six times table is double the three times table. So 5 x 3 = 15, 5 x 6 = 30, 30 is double 15.

    Seven Times Table

    Combine the 5 and the 2 times table: 7 x 4 = 28 or (5x4) + (2x4) = 28.

    Eight Times Table

    The eight times table is double the four times table. So 7 x 4 = 28, 7 x 8 = 56, 56 is double 28. The units in the multiples of eight also go down in twos. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80 (8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0).

    Nine Times Tables

    Fingers can be used to work out the nine times table up to 10 x 9. The first finger is put down for 1 x 9 and the remaining fingers show 9 units (1 x 9 =9). Then the second finer is put down for 2 x 9 and the remaining fingers show 1 ten (to the left) and 8 units (to the right) which equals 18, and so on.

    The digits found in the multiples of nine when added together also equal nine. For example: 9 = 9, 18 (1 + 8) = 9, 27 (2 + 7) = 9, 36 (3 + 6) = 9, 45 (4 + 5) = 9 etc.

    Ten Times Table

    All the digits in the ten times table end in zero.

    Eleven Times Table

    Most of the multiples in the eleven times table are recalled by putting two of the number side by side. 7 x 11 = 77, 8 x 11 =88.

    Twelve Times Table

    The units in the twelve times table go up in twos. 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 144 (2, 4, 6, 8, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0). The multiples of 12 are also the multiples of 10 and the multiples of 2 combined.

    A Parent's Guide to Learning Times Tables

  • How parents and Carers can help at home

    Supporting Learning at Home

    Komodo's Kickstart maths quizzes give parents instant and private feedback on how well your child is progressing at mastering Key Stage 1 & 2 numeracy skills. Visit our site to take a quiz here:  (Year 6 only)



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