
Homework is set by the classteacher each week and distributed using a Sway via Class Dojo.

Pupils have a book at home that they can record their homework in and the answers to any questions set are published on the following week's Sway to be marked at home.

Homework is not returned to school for marking but parents can message the classteacher via Dojo if they have any queries or concerns.

Remember, to be considered for VIP, your child must have completed weekly homework.

Each week, homework will consist of the following:

  • Reading - Accelerated Reader books or ReadWrite Inc books
  • Learning weekly spellings/practising phonics;
  • Practising number bonds/times tables;
  • Completing maths questions
  • Accessing TTRS, Stick and Split,  Hegarty Maths (Year 6 only)
  • Additional activites are also signposted for children who want to challenge themselves or do additional homework.

RM Unify

RM Unify is a platform that allows children to access certain school programmes and sites from home.

Click here to login to RM Unify

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