Enrichment Opportunities

Whilst academic success is very important, at Ham Dingle we believe that there is more to a good education. 

As well as ensuring they achieve the very best outcomes they are capable of, we aim to develop character, co-operation and understanding in all of our children.  Throughout their time at Ham Dingle, the children are are provided with opportunities to develop themselves as well as contribute to our school community and to society.  We want our children to try new things, to persist in the face of difficulty and to become resilient in overcoming obstacles as this challenges, inspires and prepares them for the ups and downs of life.

With this in mind, we provide a breadth of opportunities and experiences which  help our children become confident, well-rounded and ambitious.  Our curriculum and enrichment programme provide many opportunities to try something new, develop new skills and work with different groups.  In addition to our extracurricular clubs, our children enjoy educational visits linked to their learning, visits from experts, fundraising schemes, residentials and opportunities to collaborate with their peers at other United Learning schools.  Here are some of the opportunities that Ham Dingle offers:

Curriculum Passports

We have developed Curriculum Passports for all children to record the In- and Out of- School Experiences they have the opportunity to take part in. Each child has their own passport which is kept in school and updated by teachers. Parents have a copy of the Out Of School Experiences, which we ask to see at the end of each half term to be stamped by teachers. Please click on the links below to view each year groups Character Curriculum Passport:


The Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS) is an accredited learning programme for primary aged children designed to develop

Successful Learners   |   Confident Individuals   |   Effective Contributors   |   Responsible Citizens

JASS is structured into four sections, designed to stretch different aspects of developing confident individuals.

  • My Interests: developing an interest or learning a new skill
  • Get Active, Stay Active: taking part in sport and physical activity
  • Me and My World: contributing to the local community
  • Adventure: outdoor activity and learning, including team work and problem solving

Each of these sections is constructed to meet the needs of the individuals or to tie in with local interests or projects.

Participants start the programme in Year 3 with the Blue level Award then move to Bronze in Year 4, Silver in Year 5 and finally Gold in Year 6.  The programme provides increasing levels of learning and challenge as the children move through KS2. 

JASS at Ham Dingle is run as an extra curricular activity as a lot of the work that goes into creating the portfolio is done at home and out of school hours.

Click here for more information

Junior PCSO scheme

Over the year, our Year 5 children work closely with a local police officer and are trained to be Junior PCSOs. They have a uniform and meet each week to learn about the work that the Police do, the phonetic alphabet, road safety & signs. They help out in school with anti-bullying programmes and they also get to go out and about in the local area looking at traffic and parking issues and assisting with litter patrols.


Mr Wilkinson leads our school choir which is open to all enthusiastic singers from Reception through to Year 6. They are always preparing for the next performance and during lockdown produced several Virtual Choir recordings with other schools in our cluster.

Every year we attend the Young Voices concert in Birmingham where thousands of children come together to sing and enjoy music. More locally, our choir particiapte in school choir competitions at Christmas, visit the nearby hospice to sing to the patients and take part in Music Festivals arranged within our region.

Reading Clubs

We believe that reading for pleasure is something that should be instilled in every child so in addition to their daily reading lessons, we provide an opportunity for children to attend an after-school reading club that is relevant to their age group.

Once a week our Key Stage 1 children have the opportunity to meet at Mrs Homer's Story Telling Club where they share a wide range of stories and do lots of fun activities that develop a love of reading and books.

Mrs Hale runs the Key Stage 2 BookWorms Club each week where the older children are able to listen to more advanced books and extend their knowledge of genres and authors. 

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