
Safeguarding at Ham Dingle

We are committed to keeping every child safe and for this reason, we ensure that any adult working in school undertakes rigorous criminal checks.                                                              

We insist that any visitor to school who will be working in areas where children have access has clearance and photographic evidence of who they are.

We pride ourselves on every child at Ham Dingle having 'a voice' and for this reason we listen to and thoroughly investigate any allegation a child makes.

All staff have regularly updated Child Protection and safeguarding training.

Safeguarding Procedures

Here at Ham Dingle, we take safeguarding very seriously. It is everybody's responsibility. If you have a concern around the safety of a child please contact Mrs Catherine Feane (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or  in her absence, Mr Tilley or Mrs Sam Matthews (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

If the school is closed, please contact the Dudley Front Door team on 0300 555 0050. If you feel a child is in danger, you must call 999.


To view our policies, please click here

Please click on the links below to visit these useful safeguarding websites:

Dudley Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (Front Door) 

Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism

Think U Know

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection)

UK Safer Internet Centre

London Grid for Learning - DigiSafe


Support for Parents

Relationships Education (RSE)

Childnet International - parent/carer Toolkit

Childline- coping with anxiety, stress & panic

Anti-bullying -

Keeping your child safe - NSPCC  Talking about difficult topics     Talking about drugs and alcohol   

NSPCC - keeping your child safe online   

NSPCC - Preventing self -harm

NSPCC - Supporting your child's mental health

NSPCC - Home or Out Alone guide

Support for Teachers/Schools - PSHE Association guidance

Childline- coping with anxiety, stress & panic  - worries about the world 


Anti-Terrorist Hotline - How to report suspicious behaviours or activities

0800 789 321                          In an Emergency always dial 999

Run, hide, tell: What to do in the rare event of a weapons attack

Action Counters Terrorism (ACT)

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